Using FileMaker to Open up a Way to Break the Battle and Upgrad
Using FileMaker customized App to Open up a Way to Break the Battle and Upgrade
Using FileMaker customized App to Open up a Way to Break the Battle and Upgrade
Chongqing Newruta Technology Co., Ltd.–OEM quality with over 10 years professional experience in motorcycle and spare parts.
During this period, our staff and bank professionals had a serious work exchange, so that we have a further understanding of risk control work.
The crankshaft is the main rotating parts of the engine, and after the connecting rod,
The Annual Summary Conference of Chongqing Neway Imp & Exp Co., Ltd. was solemnly held on January 25TH, 2019, presided over by Mr. Cuncheng Wang, the General Manager Assistant of the company.
公司简介 成立于2001年 大型综合性外贸企业 主营业务:外贸综合服务、自营产品进出口、代理货物进出口业务、国内贸易、国内运输、招标、采购、保税服务、报关。 主要产品:精细化工及新材料、五金工具、机电产品、汽摩配、原材料。 与60多个国家和地区建立了长期合作关系。(美国、加拿大、德国、法国、意大利、英国、西班牙、巴西、尼日利亚、埃塞俄比亚、日本、印度、越南、香港等) 证书: ISO9001:2015质量管理体系证书 中华人民共和国海关企业管理AA级资质 AEO高级认证 中国机电产品进出口商会信用评价AA级企业 中国机电产品进出口商会会员资格 中国五矿化工进出口商会会员资格 重庆市进出口商会副会长单位 ERP管理系统 公司地址:重庆市渝北区财富大道2号财富大厦A座8楼 网址 邮箱; 电话:+86-023-63325775;86176920